Why are “ADD”, “ADHD” & “Autism” approaching epidemic levels in the U.S.?
Find out @MisLEADMovie 1 in 3 U.S. kids has been poisoned.
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MisLEAD is a documentary feature film that explores the enormous societal impact of childhood lead poisoning—the most common and costly environmental illness in the U.S. today (1 in 3 American children have some degree of permanent brain damage from their exposure to this devastating neurotoxin!)—and exposes the U.S. government’s complicity in the lead-industry-financed, century-long campaign to downplay, distort and supress the facts and recommendations of leading scientists and other experts—in the successful effort to distract and mislead America’s policymakers, medical community and the general public. [How evil are these folks? Consider this: when the tobacco industry set about concealing the dark truth about the “side effects” of using their products, they simply followed the lead industry’s winning playbook!]
We’re in post-production. We currently have a 94 minute cut that we are submitting to festivals. Over the next month or so we are working on finalizing narration, animation and music. Peter Coyote has offered to narrate and Roger Daltry and Pete Townshend of The Who, and Glen Moore (of the group Oregon) are among the amazing musicians who have enthusiastically donated music to the project (and with your Kickstarter pledge you will be joining Pete, Roger, Glen and over 750 other individuals who have supported this project in one way or another!)
As MisLEAD is a project of the Lead Safe America Foundation, and Lead Safe America is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, contributions (including completed Kickstarter pledges) are tax-deductible to the “extent allowable by law.” (That’s language from the feds 🙂 What this means is that any amount you donate above and beyond the value of the item you receive as a backer reward is likely tax-deductible (just check with your accountant to confirm.) All of our backers will get a letter after we fund, confirming the anticipated value of their backer reward and the amount that may be considered deductible on their taxes. Thank you!
What you can do to help:
1) Please watch our 3-minute trailer—as it will give you a solid sense of the film.
2) Please Tweet and share this Kickstarter link on Facebook and Twitter!
3) Pre-order your DVD today!*( (or support us at any other level!) [Come on board with a pledge in support of getting this film out into the world!] Thank you!
*[Pre-ordered DVDs will only be available AFTER our theatrical run/ Oscar-qualifying bid, likely in late-summer, early fall 2014 – although the timeline may shift if we get a distribution partner. Community Screenings are possible as soon as March 2014 and Preview Screenings may be possible before then.] We’re in post-production now and this round of funding will allow us to coordinate finishing the final touches and getting started with initial self-distribution efforts for MisLEAD. Depending on what additional partner involvement we get, this may include:
• Picture Finishing
• Final editing touches / Getty Images integration
• Music rights and placement of final music
• Developing/designing our poster and DVD art,
• Redesigning the website and eventually setting it up to make downloads of the film available (www.MisLEADMovie.com),
• Festival submissions,
• Coordinating our own preview screening events around the country.
• Coordinating an “Oscar bid” [paying for a week screening in L.A. and N.Y.C. in 2014 to be “Oscar eligible” (for the 2015 Academy Awards) including all the other work that entails: advertising, promotion, etc.)] and
• *DVD Printing and distribution (likely late summer/early winter, 2014)
What people are saying about MisLEAD (from focus-group screenings of our rough-cut around the country):
• “MisLEAD is a passionate indictment of American corporate culture—it outlines yet another way America’s children are harmed by the unholy alliance between politicians and corporations.” -Angela Zehava, Mother of Two, Amsterdam, Netherlands
• “It’s a clear-eyed look at childhood lead poisoning: hard facts and expert testimony, together with compelling stories from struggling families.” -Bob Scott, Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, Michigan
• “I was floored! The reality of this epidemic is frightening. I’m so glad someone is bringing this problem to the public. Absolute must see for parents—and anyone involved with children!” -Libby Rose Kline, Mother of a lead-poisoned child, Minneapolis, MN
•“I am very excited about the film…I believe that it speaks to families in a very real yet non-judgmental way. It encourages advocacy, makes the problem real, and tells compelling stories blended with interviews with experts in the science.” -Kate Kirkwood, New England Health and Housing, Manchester, NH
• “MisLEAD is…thought-provoking…a fascinating film that all parents should see!” -Rachel Ollagnon, Mother of Four, Cape Cod, MA
• “I saw the rough-cut of MisLEAD at the Detroit Children’s Hospital in April… A must see for everyone that is involved in caring for children—parents, primary care physicians and educators!” -Karen Lishinski, RN, Nurse Consultant, CLPPP Michigan.
•“One of my bucket-list items for lead poisoning prevention was the hope that someone would make a passionate documentary on lead poisoning—and now Tamara is doing it! Thank you Tamara.” -Reghan Walsh, Educational Outreach Program Coordinator, Madison, WI
• “Lead poisoning almost killed my daughter. It forever changed our lives…Lead poisoning shouldn’t happen. MisLEAD will help people to see this…” -Amy Allen Gooder, mother of two lead-poisoned children, St. Paul, MN
Please visit the Mislead’s Kickstarer page to support and back up this page and follow Tamara on Facebook page for updates and more information.
Do you have a story you’d like to share on Lead poisoning?