(CLOSED)Giveaway: 1 GALLON Of Organic Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil — ($120.00 value)
[/heading]This time I’m giving away one (1) gallon of awesome Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil –Certified Organic – a $120 Retail Value!
For those of you who are new to using coconut oil this will be a great opportunity to introduce this amazingly healthy fat to your diet. If you already love coconut oil, then this is definitely your chance to get a huge supply of it.
This giveaway is for ONE (1) GALLON of Certified Organic Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil (128 FL. oz.). One winner will be picked, and remember to SHARE — the more you share the better your chances of winning.
How To Win A Gallon Of FREE Coconut Oil:
For extra chances to win, there are many ways to enter. Make sure to leave comments where you share the contest so it counts:
1. Mandatory Entry~ Sign up to healYOUnaturally’s newsletter (in the sidebar top right corner or click here) to keep in touch and so you can hear about our articles and future giveaways!. Leave a comment letting me know that you signed up. If you already receive my newsletter, just leave a comment with the name you used to sign up- and continue to the next steps. (2 entries)
2. Mandatory Entry~ Sign up for the Tropical Traditions Newsletter by clicking here and then leave a comment below telling me what you like about coconut oil. You will receive emails about Tropical Traditions sales and specials and can unsubscribe at any time. Make sure to leave a comment so I know to count your entry! (1 entry.)
Do the following for extra chances to win 🙂
3. Follow healYOUnaturally on Pinterets if you have an account and Pin this Giveaway as many times a week as you’d like. (2 entries)
4. “Like” healYOUnaturally on Facebook. Go to the Facebook page hit “Like” and SHARE about this giveaway . Leave a comment over there telling why you love coconut oil and how you use it. (1 entry)
5. Follow healYOUnaturally on Google + and Google + this giveaway – leave a comment over there telling why you love coconut oil and how you use it. (2 entries)
6. Follow healYOUnaturally on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway. Feel free to use this text in your tweet: “Coconut Oil Giveaway! You can say: Enter to win this free #giveaway of 1 GALLON of Coconut Oil. Leave a comment over there telling why you love coconut oil and how you use it. (1 entry)
7. If you have a blog, feel free to blog about our awesome and generous giveaway. Please leave your link in the comments below. (2 entries)
8. Email 2 (or more) friends about this giveaway– Share the health benefits of Coconut Oil, tell your friends about this giveaway and comment telling me that you did. Plus if they win you can split the prize 🙂 (1 entry)!
That’s 8 chances to win! I’m looking forward to this awesome giveaway ONE GALLON? That’s nuts I am super excited for the WINNER!
Don’t feel like waiting for the Giveaway?
Then visit Tropical Traditions here ** to learn about an array amazing and healthy products such as: Healthy oils, Grass-fed and pastured meats, safe and natural household cleaning supplies, virgin coconut oil-the book and much more.
Contest Rules:
You MUST be subscribed to healYOUnaturally’s newsletter in order to be eligible to win. If you already are then go to step # 2
The contest ends on Monday, January 20, 2013 at midnight EST, and the winner will be announced on Tuesday January 21, 2013 on healYOUnaturally’s blog and social media profiles. The winner will be chosen at random by random.org.
This time the contest is available to US and Canada residents only.
The winner will be contacted via email and will have seven (7) days to reply. A new winner will be randomly selected,again by random.org if we don’t hear from you.
Void where prohibited. The winner will receive ONE prize which is listed above (1 Gallon of Coconut Oil)
The legal stuff:
We don’t like or endorse spam in anyway, please rest assured your email is safe! As usual Facebook has nothing to do with this Giveaway, not available were prohibited and you must be over the age of 18 + to participate.
Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.
Learn more about Golden Label Coconut Oil by visiting the links below:
Tropical Traditions Home Page: http://www.tropicaltraditions.
Gold Label Product Page: http://www.tropicaltraditions.
Where can I buy coconut oil: http://www.tropicaltraditions.com
What is Virgin Coconut Oil: http://www.tropicaltraditions.
How to Use Coconut Oil: http://www.tropicaltraditions.
** Note:”If you order by clicking on any of my links and have never ordered from Tropical Traditions in the past, you will receive a free book on Virgin Coconut Oil, and I will receive a discount coupon for referring you.”
Find out who the winner was here
ONE GALLON? Did I read this correctly? Oh I am going to win this baby!
We use coconut oil in everything. Cooking, baking, sauteing, give it to our dog and cats, hair, and have used to for our girls diaper rashes (rarely get them thanks to CCO).
We take a teaspoon ever morning with our coffee as well.
Nancy P
I love coconut oil because of its benefits as a healthy fat.
We started using a few months ago thanks to a post I saw on your pinterest about healthy and unhealthy oils. We’d love to win this gallon of oil
Sign up to healYOUnaturally’s newsletter done, loriagalbraith at gmail.com
Sign up for the Tropical Traditions Newsletter
already a subscribed. I love that coconut oil is so healthy for you.
Follow healYOUnaturally on Pinterets and Pin this Giveaway
Read more at https://www.healyounaturally.com/coconut-oil-giveaway/#SY3UCQYKYJmBsteb.99
#2 entry – Follow healYOUnaturally on Pinterets and Pin this Giveaway
Read more at https://www.healyounaturally.com/coconut-oil-giveaway/#SY3UCQYKYJmBsteb.99
Read more at https://www.healyounaturally.com/coconut-oil-giveaway/#XlHSvFLP8tVf74YE.99
“Like” healYOUnaturally on Facebook. Go to the Facebook page hit “Like” and SHARE about this giveaway . Leave a comment over there telling why you love coconut oil and how you use it
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Follow healYOUnaturally on Google + and Google + this giveaway – leave a comment over there telling why you love coconut oil and how you use it.
all done google + name lori a galbraith
#2 entry for –
Follow healYOUnaturally on Google + and Google + this giveaway – leave a comment over there telling why you love coconut oil and how you use it.
all done google + name lori a galbraith
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Email 2 (or more) friends about this giveaway
all done
Thanks Lori for participating- you definitely love your coconut oil. Good luck 🙂
TT makes a great products not just coconut oil. 🙂
Vesper Meikle
Signed up to healYOUnaturally’s newsletter – meikleblog at gmail dot com
Vesper Meikle
Signed up for the Tropical Traditions Newsletter – meikleblog at gmail dot com
Vesper Meikle
follow on pinterest – http://www.pinterest.com/vesper1931/
Vesper Meikle
Pinned – http://www.pinterest.com/pin/241435229997731102/
Kathleen D.
I am signed up for your newsletter with kathleenandkieran at hotmail
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
Kathleen D.
I am signed up for Tropical Traditions’ website. I love coconut oil b/c of how good it is for you!
Kathleen D.
I followed you on Pinterest and pinned this giveaway:
Kathleen D.
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Kathleen D.
I follow you on Google +, I shared the giveaway on there, and commented.
Kathleen D.
I follow you on twitter and tweeted about the giveaway: https://twitter.com/KDozeman/status/422938885966942208
I commented, too.
Kathleen D.
I e-mailed a bunch of friends about the giveaway! 🙂
Tannis W
I receive the healYOU newsletter via tannis_z at excite dot com
Tannis W
I receive the tropical traditions newsletter via tannis_z at excite dot com.
I like coconut oil because its a healthier alternative to other oils and its multi purpose- you can use it in cooking, baking and as a moisturizer.
Tannis W
I follow healYOU on pinterest as greentwiggy and pinned the giveaway.
Tannis W
I follow on google + as Tannis Wiebe, +1’d it and commented.
Tannis W
I follow healYOU on Facebook as Tannis Wiebe. Liked, shared, commented.
Tannis W
I follow on twitter as @green_twiggy
Tweeted https://mobile.twitter.com/green_twiggy/status/423010376687439873
And commented (replied to a tweet of yours, hope this is what you wanted!)
Tannis W
I emailed two friends about your giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity, I would LOVE to win! 🙂
Vesper Meikle
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Vesper Meikle
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Diana Z
I signed up for your newsletter.
Diana Z
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Diana Z
Follow healYOUnaturally on Pinterest as deezach.
Diana Z
Like you on facebook as Diana Zacharias. Shared and commented.
Tara E
subscribe to your newsletter
Tara E
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I signed up for your newsletter using the same email address I used to leave this comment.
Elizabeth G.
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Elizabeth G.
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Elizabeth G.
Elizabeth G.
Pinned this giveaway!
Jennifer D.
I just signed up for healYOUnaturally’s newsletter under the name Jennifer. Looking forward to receiving it. Thanks!
Jennifer D.
I subscribe to the Tropical Traditions Newsletter! 🙂
Jennifer D.
I just liked you on Facebook, left a comment, and shared the giveaway! Could definitely use some more coconut oil! 🙂
Jennifer D.
Now following you on twitter and tweeted about the giveaway! https://twitter.com/CouponingJennyD/status/423494114034737152
Caitlin | The Siren's Tale
Hi there! Thanks for this great giveaway.
I signed up for both newsletters: healYOUnaturally and Tropical Traditions. The email signed up is thesirenstale[at]gmail[dot]com and the name is ‘Caitlin’.
I also liked healYOUnaturally on Facebook and left a comment on a giveaway post. FB Name: Shug Frazier.
I also followed on Twitter, left a comment for @healU_naturally, and tweeted: https://twitter.com/TheSirensTale/status/423539881852162048
Thanks for doing this giveaway! I usually buy TT’s 32 oz. Gold Label coconut oil and winning this much of it would make my month! Fingers crossed.
I joined your mailing list and Tropical Traditions’ as well.
I liked your page on Facebook.
I followed you on Twitter and Tweeted the giveaway.
I followed you on Pinterest and pinned the giveaway.
Diana Z
Follow healYOUnaturally on Google + and Google + this giveaway – left a comment over there telling why I love coconut oil and how I use it.
Diana Z
Follow healYOUnaturally on Twitter and Tweeted: https://twitter.com/goldiez/status/423232931788632065
Diana Z
I emailed 3 friends about this giveaway.
i signed up for your newsletter!
i get the TT newsletter and i love sauteeing veggies in coconut oil!
I did all but the google+ 🙂 Love coconut oil! Just started oil pulling. NICE
Signed up for both newsletters!
Jennifer D.
I let friends know about your giveaway!!! 🙂 Thank you for the extra chances to win this awesome giveaway!!!
Jennifer D.
I now follow healYOUnaturally on Google+ and shared the giveaway!
Jennifer D.
I also am following healYOUnaturally on Pinterest and pinned the giveaway and retweeted on Twitter! 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
Mary Beth Elderton
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Mary Beth Elderton
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Mary Beth Elderton
I joined you on Pinterest as Mary Beth Elderton and pinned:
Mary Beth Elderton
I joined you on Pinterest as Mary Beth Elderton and pinned:
C. Davie
I signed up for Tropical Traditions news letter. I would love to win that huge amount of coconut oil. I use it for cooking because I eat a Paleo Diet. I like to use some on my hands and face.
I did both manditory entries as well as bonus entries 3 (Pinterest), 4 (Facebook), 6 (Twitter), and 8 (told my best friends so they can try and win it for their families {and maybe split with me ;)}). =D This would be amazing to win bc I have started making all of our own lotions, shampoo, deoderant, diaper ointment, etc and so many recipes call for coconut oil! Not to mention it is great to cook with!! =D
Oh my – I love coconut oil . . . .body butter. Chapstick. chocolate! amazing things to make with it!
Heather O'Cain
I am signed up for the TT newsletter! It’s so hard to narrow down what I like about it so much. I DO love that it tastes so good in my morning coffee!! 🙂
Heather O'Cain
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Heather O'Cain
I just signed up for your newsletter.
Heather O'Cain
I just followed you on Pinterest. (TheHippyGardener)
Kathy W
I LOVE coconut oil! Use it all the time! I already subscribe to your newsletter.
Kathy W
I already subscribe to Tropical Traditions newsletter.
Kathy W
I already follow you on Pinterest and pinned this contest.
Signed up for the mail list. Coconut oil is great for skin and hair care, makes a great lotion and conditioner.
Already signed up for TT’s newsletter. Coconut oil is great for all cooking and baking needs, it can replace all other oils.
I subscribe to your newsletter!
I subscribe to the TT newsletter.
Following on Pinterest and pinned the giveaway!
Karen D
I subscribe to your newsletter
Karen D
I am subscribed to your email list via the same email used for this comment
Karen D
I’m subscribed to Tropical Traditions via the email used for this comment.
I really like using coconut oil for baking…great for pie crusts!
Karen D
karengdel follows you on Pinterest
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Karen Goodwin Delaney likes healYOUnaturally on facebook and shared at https://www.facebook.com/karen.g.delaney/posts/10201707904995662?stream_ref=10
Karen D
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Karen D
+1 and commented on google+ “Love using coconut oil for skin care”
Karen D
@KDFF follows on twitter and tweeted at https://twitter.com/KDFF/status/424542396425043968
I signed up for your newsletter.
I already get the tropical traditions newsletter. I like coconut oil because it is so good for you. I use it in all sorts of home remedies and I give my dogs a dab a day for healthy coats.
Karen D
Emailed my friends sara and lark
following on twitter as avrilsgranny and tweeted
btw this captcha thing is very annoying. I don’t understand why if I am clicking that I am not a spammer and my comments are moderated why I have to keep doing the captcha for every comment.
Sorry about the frustrating captcha and thank you for letting me know. The reason why we use it is in order to protect YOU and our website from hackers which are rampant right now.
I will correct that immediately so you guys don’t have to deal with that.
Thanks you Madonna and everyone for still participating. <3
Karen D
Pinned again at http://www.pinterest.com/pin/67202219413635039/
Karen D
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Karen D
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Karen D
pinned at http://www.pinterest.com/pin/67202219413636262/
Signed up for your newsletter.
Already subscribe to TT’s newsletter!
Love the coconut oil and I am getting ready to try more of their products.
google + -ed
I followed on pinterst but couldn’t figure out which post to pin.
Denise A
I just found your website and signed up for your newsletter. I’m very excited to learn lots of information here! 🙂
Hi Denise,
Welcome and thanks for participating in the giveaway.
We are glad to have you and all of the new readers who recently joined. I am confident that you can all learn something new from this site and all of the social media channels in order to achieve your health goals.
I also love to hear from you, so don’t be shy and drop us a line from time to time.
Good luck 🙂
Denise A
I signed up for Tropical Traditions newsletters, also. I love that coconut oil has so many different uses. It keeps my body healthy both inside and out!
Karen D
Pinned at http://www.pinterest.com/pin/67202219413643295/
Karen D
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Karen D
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I have signed up for your newsletters. Looking forward to them.
I am receiving TT’s newsletters. I love coconut oil mostly for a skin moisturizer.
I love coconut oil for all its health benefits and taste. I especially like that it remains healthy when heated. It is fun to use because it’s consistency varies from solid to liquid. Besides always using it for cooking our food, I use it daily on my face and body for moisturizing and to give my face a healthy glow. I’m experimenting to see if it improves sun spots on my arms.
Thank you for such a great giveaway. Signed up for both news letters and fb like and shared. I love to cook with coconut oil and to make my own skin salves and creams with it . Works great to soften rough dry hands and feet.
My email add was wrong on last comment is now correct. Thank you for a great giveaway
Brittany Thomas
Signed up for HealYou newsletter #1
Brittany Thomas
Signed up for HealYou newsletter #2
Brittany Thomas
Signed up for TT’s newsletter
Heal you naturally email sign-up – check
Tropical Traditions email sign-up – check
Follow Heal you on Pinterest – check
Like on Facebook – check
emailing more that two friends – because I really want them to get healthy too – check.
Thanks for the offering. Coconut oil is what we use for everything in our home now. Everything from popcorn and cooking to lotions, hair conditioners, make-up removal and much much more. So glad my family has discovered coconut oil and essential oil use!
Karen D
Pin at http://www.pinterest.com/pin/67202219413655023/
Karen D
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Karen D
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Karen D
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Karen D
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Ana Suri
Things done:
Heal you naturally email sign-up
Tropical Traditions email sign-up
Following “Heal you” on Pinterest
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Emailed two friends
Our household uses Coconut Oil on a daily basis.
Karen D
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Karen D
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Karen D
Pinned at http://www.pinterest.com/pin/67202219413657515/
Maria H
Signed up for email
Maria H
Signed up with TT, but different email. …buys@yahoo
Maria H
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Maria H
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Maria H
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Maria H
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Maria H
2nd Entry for signing up for Newsletter
Blessed Assurance
I already subscribe to the newsletter. I like that coconut oil can be used for many things I like to use it to moisturize my hands.
Blessed Assurance
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Blessed Assurance
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Donna K
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Donna K
2.I subscribed to healYOUnaturally’s newsletter.
Donna K
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