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THE FINE PRINT and FDC required disclaimer: Please note that the Remedy Reports found on these pages will redirect you the original researchers and developers. [Feel free to check the BBB’s site for their A+ rating]. healYOUnaturally will be compensated with a small fee for promoting these and other reliable products. This in turn will help me continue to provide you with the latest in natural health research, articles, health news and maintain this website and the time spent providing FREE information via our social media channels. Thanks for your support!
Ainembabazi Elizabeth
what is the cure for spondylosis
Hello Elizabeth~
I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. There is a lot of research that has been done regarding alternative protocols.
Here are some suggestions I encourage you to research about and of course apply asap:
1. Gerson Therapy
2. Budwig Protocol
3. Detoxing steps (every organ, lymph system etc..)
4. Watch the Truth About Cancer Premier I think it is free access but you may have to pay for the othe docu-series. Not sure, but they are worth every penny.
5. Each clean, cut out processed foods immediately.
Here are a couple of article I can recommend to you:
1. Don’t Waste Time! 7 Effective Proven Ways To Treat and Prevent Breast Cancer
2. 9 Foods You Must Stop Eating Immediately for Breast (or any type of Cancer) Prevention and Healing
Hope this helps!
To your best health~
Please read my medical disclaimer. As always, I am not a doctor and this and all other information should not be used to treat or diagnose any conditions.