What Are Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are often a solid mass of dietary minerals in the urine formed in the kidney tract. They often coalesce together to form large-sized crystals, which can remain in the kidneys unnoticed for a long time. However, when these stones pass into the urinary tract, they cause excruciating agony, which can only be eased after the stones have been passed out through urination.
Commonly occurring minerals in urine, such as calcium salts and uric acid, are responsible for causing kidney stones. About 80% of patients with kidney stones are men. In fact, it has been found that men between 30 and 40 years of age are more vulnerable to developing kidney stones.
What Causes Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are mainly caused when dietary minerals like calcium don’t dissolve, due to the lack of enough fluids in your body. Studies have shown that men and women who consume supplementary calcium in the form of tablets containing calcium oxalate are at a higher risk of developing kidney stones.
Postmenopausal women who are recommended calcium intake show a 17% higher risk of developing kidney stones, according to Women’s Health Initiative.
Apart from fluorides and high intake of animal proteins, some studies have shown a connection between alcohol intake and increased risk of kidney stones, as alcohol causes systemic dehydration of the body.
Hence low fluid intake, extremely high intake of proteins, sodium, refined sugars, oxalate-rich food can cause the deposition of un-dissolved minerals into the various passages of the kidneys, such as the ureter, renal pelvis, and urethra.
If the stones grow sufficiently large [about 3 mm], then they may cause severe pain, spasms in the groin or lower abdomen. Any individual having kidney stones in the groin may experience vomiting, blood, and pus in the urine, nausea, and a burning sensation caused during urination.
Natural Remedies To Dissolve Kidney Stones
Olive Oil and Lemon Juice
If you have larger stones, this method may not be for you. However, those with smaller kidney stones can definitely try a mix of lemon juice and olive oil to help break smaller stones apart and flush them out.
You can start off by mixing 1/4 cup each of lemon juice and olive oil, drink, and immediately drink at least 8oz of water. Make sure you use top-notch olive oil (this is what we use at home). That way you make sure you get the purest ingredients in your body. The last thing you need is more toxins at this point.
Nettle Leaf Tea
Stinging Nettle is commonly used to relieve nasal congestion and to relieve seasonal allergy symptoms. However, nettle leaf tea has anti-bacterial properties and is a powerful diuretic.
Drinking nettle leaf tea throughout the day helps flush minerals and toxins out of the kidneys, prevents new ones from growing, and discourages the formation of new ones. This will help prevent urinary tract infections– another known cause of kidney stones.
Lemon Water
Lemon water is great for many reasons. It helps alkalinize, detox and cleanse the body, and of course, will help your body dissolve kidney stones. Lemon juice is full of natural citrate. According to a study published in the Journal of Endourology, researchers compared lemons, limes, grapefruit, and orange juice to determine the best source of citric acid.
Citric acid helps to ward off kidney stones by increasing the acidity of the urine. One of the conventional medical treatments for kidney stones is potassium citrate, a form of citric acid combined with potassium. So it makes sense to use the natural form right?
When you make it as a lemonade (I prefer without sugar) but if you must use alcohol-free stevia or raw honey– Lemon juice increases the amount of citrate in the urine to levels known to inhibit kidney stones. It doesn’t work quite as well as potassium citrate but it does the work. So, when life hands you kidney stones… don’t fret… Just make lemonade 😉 .
Stay Hydrated
You know that drinking plenty of water is essential. That being said, if you have kidney stones or can be susceptible to them, you must keep adequate fluids running through your system in order to flush out toxins and minerals which cause stones to form.
As a rule of thumb– the darker your urine is, the more water you need. However, make sure you drink plenty of filtered water because tap water contains more minerals and even lead in some states. (This is the filter that I use ). A good indication of healthy urine is when it comes out clear or close to it. That’s your best indication that you are drinking enough.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is in demand now and for good reason. Apple Cider Vinegar is very effective for treating different ailments including acid reflux, reducing inflammation, and of course dissolving kidney stones. ACV works by breaking apart and flushing out stones, moreover, daily consumption can help to prevent future occurrences.
Try this detox drink which includes apple cider vinegar first thing in the morning, but you can drink it up to three times a day in order to reap the health benefits, and get rid of your kidney stones at the same time. I love (Braggs raw organic apple cider vinegar).
Finally here is a remedy that combines some of the foods mentioned above here is the recipe:
Dissolve Kidney Stones with This Natural Remedy
- Organic olive oil
- Juice of a lemon
- 12 oz pure filtered water
- 1 tbsp organic raw apple cider vinegar
- At the first sign of pain mix 2 oz. of organic olive oil with 2 oz. of organic lemon juice.
- Follow with 12 ounces of purified water and wait 30 minutes.
- Squeeze the juice of 1/2 lemon in 12 oz. of purified water, add 1 tbsp. of organic raw apple cider vinegar, and drink.
- Repeat the lemon juice, water and apple cider vinegar recipe every hour until symptoms improve. As with starting any new treatments, consult your doctor first.
Well, I’ll take that as a compliment gracias for being here 🙂