Bryophyllum pinnatum is an herb that goes by many names, “Life plant” and “leaf of life” are two of the most commonly used. The plant’s native origin is in Madagascar but is found growing in India, Brazil, parts of the USA and Jamaica.
One reason it has gained its nickname as the life plant is because of how it is uniquely propagated. Contained within the margins of the leaf are small seeds. By simply placing a leaf in a bowl of water, or laying it on some moist soil, up to 15 new baby plants will emerge. This metaphorically symbolizes “eternal life”. Another reason this beautiful plant has gained its nickname is due to its outstanding medicinal properties.
The leaf of life plant has the following properties:
- antibacterial
- antiviral
- antimicrobial
- antifungal
- antibacterial
- antiviral
- antihistamine
- anaphylactic
Below is a list of 5 benefits that you will receive by consuming this plant. You will also learn how to extract the medicine out of the leaves for each specific ailment.
1. A Great Herb for Your Liver
The leaves of this plant have been shown to repair liver damage and to help remove any toxins that may be present inside of it. You can chew on a leaf to suck out all of the juices or you can brew an herbal tea.
2. No more Earaches
This magical plant can be crushed up to extract the liquid from it. The juice can then be applied to the irritated area as you would with ear drops.
3. A Different Way to tackle a Common Chest Cold
If you are suffering from a cold, or feel one building up in your system, this is the medicine you should be taking! Not only does it strengthen your immune system, it will aid in kicking any virus that is making its home in your body. Crush the leaves, extract the medicine and drink a spoonful of it 3 times a day until symptoms subside. This works better than your over the counter cough syrup.
4. Feeling Backed up? Not for long
The benefits of grinding this herb and steeping it in water for tea can stop constipation almost immediately. You can also add warm lemon water (which is a natural stool softener to a leaf of life teasane.
5. Skin Scrapes and Cuts, be Gone
By lightly scratching any side of the leaf and placing it over the wounded area of skin it will help slow down (and stop) bleeding and swelling.
There are several ways you can consume the leaf of life. You can grind it up and boil it in some water for tea or you can chew and consume the raw leaves daily. This helps to extract the beneficial liquid that is stored inside of its succulent leaves.
How To Make Leaf Of Life Tea
To make an easy and quick cup of leaf of life tea:
- bring one cup of filtered water preferably (healyounaturally recommend’s this filter
) to boil then add 3 leaf of life leaves; let simmer for 3 minutes.
- remove from heat and allow to sit for 2 to 3 minutes.
- remove leaves from the tea, pour in cup and sweeten with 1 to 2 teaspoons of organic honey
If you are making more than one cup, increase serving size of boiling water and amount of leaves added.
The leaf of life is quite an interesting plant. We highly recommend adding it to your list of herbal medicine, and If you would like to grow your own Byrophyllum pinnatum you can get it here. Remember to propagate the leaves and give the pups away to your friends and family!
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[box title=”About The Author:” style=”noise” box_color=”#f1f1f1″ title_color=”#2d5d20″ radius=”12″]Jack Stanis is a healthy living enthusiast and certified Reiki practitioner with a background in horticulture and foraging. His greatest passions include playing guitar, meditation, reiki and exploring the natural landscape of Earth.[/box]