As you can see by the nutritional content of this green spinach juice, you owe it to yourself to drink this lovely cocktail of healing vegetables and fruits at least three times a week.
Not only will your organs thank you, but your energy levels will also increase while working on any inflammation your body may be developing or already dealing with.
In this article Dr.George Mateljan from Worlds Healthiest foods and one of the pioneers in healthy foods research says:
We all know that Popeye made himself super strong by eating spinach, but you may be surprised to learn that he may also have been helping to protect himself against inflammatory problems, oxidative stress-related problems, cardiovascular problems, bone problems, and cancers at the same time.
Health Benefits
Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Cancer Benefits from Spinach Phytonutrients
Even though virtually all vegetables contain a wide variety of phytonutrients—including flavonoids and carotenoids—spinach can claim a special place among vegetables in terms of its phytonutrient content. Researchers have identified more than a dozen different flavonoid compounds in spinach that function as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agents. (Some of these substances fall into a technical category of flavonoids known asmethylenedioxyflavonol glucuronides.).
The anticancer properties of these spinach flavonoids have been sufficiently impressive to prompt researchers to create specialized spinach extracts that could be used in controlled laboratory studies. These spinach extracts have been shown to slow down cell division in human stomach cancer cells (gastric adenocarcinomas), and in studies on laboratory animals, to reduce skin cancers (skin papillomas).
A study on adult women living in New England in the late 1980s also showed intake of spinach to be inversely related to incidence of breast cancer.
Excessive inflammation, of course, typically emerges as a risk factor for increased cancer risk. (That’s why many anti-inflammatory nutrients can also be shown to have anti-cancer properties.) But even when unrelated to cancer, excessive inflammation has been shown to be less likely following the consumption of spinach.
Note: If you suspect that you have thyroid disease (Hypothyroidism) I would suggest that use another vegetable instead of Spinach, as spinach acts just like Brassicas and can hinder Thyroid function.
Increase Energy and Reduce Pain Naturally. Try This Anti-Inflammatory and Flavonoids Boost Spinach Juice
- Ideally all organic
- 2 handfuls of spinach
- 1 green apple
- 3 celery stalks
- handful of arugula
- Juice of one lemon
- 1 green pepper
- 1 small thumb ginger
- Juice or pulverize all washed and clean vegetables.
- Drink withing 30 minutes
- Store in the fridge and consume within 24 hours
Now your turn. What is your favorite green juice recipe? Do you add other fruits and veggies or plain green is fine?
What other green vegetables would you add to this juice?
To your best health,
More References: [1]