Lets assume you have been drinking lemon water for a while. You feel amazing and your digestion has improved, you now go regularly– and even your skin looks better.
But what if you can make your warm lemon water even more effective by adding a few ingredients you most likely have in your kitchen?
You can maximize the benefits of this elixir to achieve maximum health. But how do I know? After suffering from GERD for years intermittently, after trying every home remedy and even OT medications when I didn’t know better, I found a little gem.
I learned of this amazing lemon water detox water originally on Dr. Axe’s website a couple of years ago, and have been adapting it to my needs ever since. So how is it exactly that simple lemon water benefits you immensely? Here’s how:
- Alkalinizes your pH naturally (Ideally you want your PH to be around 7.0 and above)
- Re-hydrates your body and helps it do its job in detoxing the liver
- It is a natural blood thinner and prevents plaque from forming or further developing.
- It is even believed to dissolve plaque within four months; among other benefits.
- Revs up your digestive system You may notice positive changes like clearer skin and better digestion.
- Finally, if you suffer from constipation or have trouble– moving things along this is your natural go-to drink
Take Your Lemon Water Detox Drink to the Next Level
Now, if you want to take all of these benefits of the best detox water to the next level try this recipe, which will help you with digestion, constipation, circulation among other benefits:
- 10-14 Oz filtered water
- 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- 1 tbs apple cider vinegar
- 1 teaspoon local raw honey or Manuka honey
aka as superfood.
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/2 lemon juice
Mix all of the ingredients thoroughly as the cayenne pepper tends to float to the top. Enjoy!
If for some reason you realize it doesn’t taste that great— remember that it is detox drink and even then, just the thought of nourishing your body will make it taste great. Furthermore, Make it appealing by adding your favorite natural sweetener.
Note: Make sure you rinse and/or brush your teeth after drinking anything with lemon and vinegar in it, in order to protect the enamel in your teeth. Also use a straw.
I always drink my warm lemon water first thing in the morning, but this version seems a lot more beneficial.
Trying it right now.
Wow! Thanks for the tip on the enamel I didn’t know that.
Glad to know you are trying this version. You are welcome, it is very important to take care of your enamel 🙂 Let me know how it goes