An anti-inflammatory diet full of wholesome foods is ideal for optimal health. When you aren’t feeling at your best, performance, mood, and physical health will deteriorate…
Although you may be following a particular “diet” or lifestyle, you still feel off and can’t understand what it is or you get sick and dis-eased…
In today’s show, we are going to talk about the reasons why “your particular diet” may not be right for you, and the amazing benefits of eating wholesome foods and most importantly– adapting to an Anti-inflammatory diet.
Tune into today’s #HYNwellnesspodcast #7 to find out if you are on the right track or should make some adjustments to feel your very best – Enjoy the show!
Show Notes and Topics Discussed:
- Tyler Jean talks about his experience with the Vegan diet & his lifestyle now
- The Importance of the wholefoods “lifestyle” suitable for YOUR body
- The Importance of an Anti-inflammatory diet
- What’s inflammation and the best way to address it today
Lab Tests Recommended in the Podcast:
- Different Health Pannels
- Fatigue Panel
- Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
- Thyroid Blood Test Panels
- Hormone Panel Test (“weight loss test” and hormonal imbalances)
- Allergy Test
- Lipid Blood Test Panels
- Liver Profile Blood Test Panels
- Women’s Health Tests
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Links mentioned in the show:
Emotional influences on food choice: sensory, physiological and psychological pathways.
Additionally, you can follow Tyler at https:/ where you can find free articles and his ebooks.