Tune into today’s #HYNwellnesspodcast #22 and learn about crania therapy, hypersensitivity (dysregulation of your nervous system), the role emotions and mindset play in healing, and much more– Enjoy the show!
Podcasts Quotables
~ Organs, tissues, cells need oxygen. You can get all of the great nutrition but if you can’t get blood flow, nutrients into the tissue you will not be able to reap all of the benefits of that healthy lifestyle.
~ Tension: When you think about tension, it’ not just about stretching the are only. Our brains are telling us that something deeper is going on. Oxygen flow isn’t happening. The airways must be open and functioning properly…
~ Sometimes our birth was traumatic, and that can have an effect on the cranial system. If we can take the pressure of the brain, we can change how a child develops or grows.
~ From 0-2 years old we have the most brain growth.
~ You can be healed from Lyme disease– I am healed and free of Lyme disease for 6 years.
~ EMFs can break the brain-blood barrier.
Dr. Rachael Hamel
Show Notes and Topics Discussed:
- How Chronic tension slowly chokes and starve cells, that’s lack of oxygen.
- Flathead syndrome and how to reverse it with craniopathy (importance of proper craniopathy care in the developing infant and child.)
- Dysregulation in the Nervous system
- Leaky Brain and what causes it
- The connection between the gut and it’s relationship to the shoulder, back.
- When the nervous system is in a state of “shock”, it does not respond to other treatments.
- The Impact of a Vagus Nerve infection
Resources or Links Mentioned
Connect with Dr. Rachel Hamel:
Connect with her via social media outlets:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.rachelhameldc/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/drrachelhamel
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