My guest today is Peter Conley. A blogger and digital marketer from Portland, Oregon. Besides being a yogi, Peter is constantly on the hunt to find new forms of treatment and lifestyles that help his narcolepsy symptoms.
Peter decided to take his diagnoses in his own hands by researching and learning how to treat and reduce the severity of its symptoms naturally. His methods are efficient, proven to work and most importantly– medications free.
Tune into today’s #HYNwellnesspodcast #11 and learn about Narcolepsy: The best treatments proven to work — tried and tested by Peter himself. Habits and how to manage it completely naturally and effectively so you can enjoy life awake and happy again – Enjoy the show!
Podcasts Quotables
~ Intermittent fasting, ketogenic lifestyle, yoga, the gym, and relaxation techniques have proven to be very effective in managing my symptoms successfully.
Peter Conley- Narcolepsy Expert and Coach
In today’s show, we to talk about the reasons why “your narcolepsy symptoms are getting worst”.. spoiler alert: Coffee may be doing more harm than good along with sugary and energy drinks.
Show Notes and Topics Discussed:
- Peter emphasizes the crucial correlation between sugar, processed foods and worsening o symptoms.
- Why Narcolepsy is often times misdiagnosed or confused with other conditions
- The Importance of nutrition, sleep hygiene and daily habits to manage it the right way.
- The tools that Peter has used in managing his narcolepsy for overall a better lifestyle.
Books, Tools Supplements Recommended for Narcolepsy
- The four hour Diet
- Deep Nutrition
- Udo’s Choice Oil
- Philips Somneo Sleep and Wake-up Light Therapy Lamp, with Sunrise Alarm and Sunset Fading Night Light

Other relevant sources:
Connect with Peter
Website: https://www.narcolepsyhabits.com/
where you can find information on how to get online coaching on how to treat and manage this condition successfully.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NarcolepsInsight/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/peterdconley
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