My guest today is Dr. Catherine Clinton ND a licensed naturopathic physician with a focus on histamine allergy, gut health, autoimmunity and psychoneuroimmunology. Respected author, speaker, pediatric health advocate, Dr. Catherine practices in Eugene, Oregon.
Dr. Catherine is passionate about the connections we have with the world around us and how these connections can regenerate our health and the health of the planet. She sees an urgent need for healing our internal terrain as well as healing the terrain of the world we live in. Dr. Catherine has multiple peer-reviewed medical journal publications as well as guest writing for several publications.
Tune into today’s #HYNwellnesspodcast #19 and find out how you can reverse and address the root cause of seasonal allergies, histamine allergy, learn all about Terrain theory, gut health, and much more– Enjoy the show!
Listen to this episode by clicking the Play button below:
Podcasts Quotables (Histamine Allergy)
~ Fermented foods and drinks, aged foods, smoked or pickled foods, certain probiotics, alcohol, foods with vinegar can all increase your histamine levels, making seasonal allergy symptoms worse.
~ Histamine is released from mast cells and is responsible for the symptoms of seasonal allergies like runny noses, itchy eyes, and scratchy throat.It can also cause headaches/migraines, fatigue, anxiety, flushed face, dizziness, hives, nasal swelling/congestion, and gastrointestinal discomfort.
~ Our heart has a unique place in our internal terrain, linking our autonomic nervous system with the world around us. Our hearts sense things.. and it tells our senses whether something is right or wrong…~ Did you know that the heart sends more messages to the brain than the brain sends to the heart? The heart communicates to the brain in four ways.
Dr. Catherine Clinton
Then we have the superhero T reg cells that promote tolerance and shut down inflammatory, autoimmune and allergic reactions. T reg cells are made in gut and are influenced by the gut microflora and the food we eat.
Show Notes and Topics Discussed:
- Internal Terrain and why maintaining this ecosystem is so important for overall health.
- Histamine and Allergies, What foods increase Histamine and which makes allergy symptoms worse
- Dr. Catherine’s favorite botanicals and foods for seasonal allergies and how to reduce histamine
- The Four ways the heart communicates with the brain?
Herbs, Supplements Mentioned:
- Elderberry, Nettle Tea, Vitamin D3 + K2, Honey, Vitamin C (Try Liposomal Vitamin C)
Links mentioned in the show:
How to Treat Allergies Holistically
Connect with Dr. Catherine
Visit Dr. Clinton via her website Dr. Clinton’s website:
Dr. Clinton’s website https://www.drcatherineclinton.com
Dr. Clinton’s line of nutritional supplements for infants and children
Connect with Dr. Clinton via social media outlets:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.catherineclinton/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/wellfuture
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