3,300 abortion deaths take place daily in America, so why does media focus on a handful of mass shooting deaths?
(NaturalNews) Lafayette theater-shooter John Russel Houser’s atrocious crime against the innocent movie-goers of a popular rom-com film is a shocking act of violence that has shaken the American public to its core. Public shootings immediately raise awareness of not just our vulnerability but also the issues that seem to be connected to such events. For example, an automatic response to this type of public killing may be to discuss the state of gun control in our nation. Mass public shootings are a particularly horrific crime, and in a sense they act as a shock to the system. People feel powerless and often put themselves in the shoes of the victim — “that could have been me.” But what of the millions of innocent lives that are extinguished every year in America like one of Nero’s burning human candles, the people whose severed body parts and tissues are being used for profit, and without consent.
This statement is intended in no way to diminish the atrocity of the recent events in Lafayette. If anything, the purpose of drawing the parallel is to show how important it is to see the significance of every human life (rather than the value of fetal tissue, like Planned Parenthood sees it) and to not forget that our nation has policies in place to allow for the legal termination of life and organ-harvesting, and instead of considering the value of an unborn child our focus has turned to a horrific event that involves only a handful of adults but is much more visible, and which has renewed attention for gun control measures rather than the more pressing underlying issue of mental healthcare.
If anything, this recent shooting provides another frightening example of how the neglect of mental healthcare poses a significant public threat. Intertwined in this tale is perhaps another story of the way that overmedicated people can be a threat to public safety. Indeed, there is no shortage of evidence showing that psychotropic drugs can lead to homicidal and suicidal behavior.
Instead, our attention should be refocused on the real problems facing the nation: the complete disregard for the moral treatment of human life, and the very serious and pressing issue of disintegrating mental healthcare. The likely response from the progressive Left to the Lafayette theater shooting is once again to discuss gun control rather than discarded future lives or the potentially dangerous medications peddled by the legal drug dealers of Big Pharma. When guns are used in lone shootings, it is emblematic of a broader problem. The high-profile events that offer a periodic shock to the system — e.g. Aurora, Lafayette — are symptomatic of a deeper issue whose roots are to be found in the sorry state of mental healthcare in the US, as well as in the minimally regulated drugs used to “treat” symptoms.
You can learn more about mass murderers being influenced by psychotropic drugs at PsychDrugShooters.com.
Public shootings like the ones above shatter our sense of innocence, of safety and of security, and when they take place in entertainment venues such as a movie theater, our basic sense of being able to move freely and without fear is suddenly obliterated. For most people, movies offer a brief escape from reality, which makes having to suddenly confront it in such an ugly way that much more traumatic.
Meanwhile, the violation of human life that occurs within the walls of an abortion facility happens daily without the level of outrage that follows a violent act that is known to be statistically insignificant. As the FBI reports, from 1977 through the first half of 2014, “deaths from Mass Public Shootings show only a slight, statistically insignificant, increase – an annual increase of less than one percent.” Compare this to the number of abortion procedures that happen daily: 3,322. And the deaths caused by pharmaceutical companies, by some estimates, are an astounding 106,000 a year.
To learn more about deaths caused by Big Pharma, click here to search GoodGopher.com for “pharmaceutical deaths.”
The violence committed against unborn children is routine, regulated, legal and, unfortunately, profitable enough to get you a Lamborghini. Instead of becoming distracted (once again) by the senseless and ultimately fruitless gun control debate, shouldn’t we be striving to solve real issues, like the violence committed by Big Pharma and Planned Parenthood?
Remember, the media often ignores the problems associated with psychotropic drugs because of their Big Pharma sponsorships, and when it turns a blind eye to a public health issue as widespread and lethal as mass medication and the organ-harvesting of aborted infants, it begs the question of what other facts may be omitted in their reporting.
You may find that your own skepticism has been dulled by the drugs they sell and the convenient untruths they televise. You may overlook the pressing issues of today because of the corporate media’s hyping of every fashionable trend or hot-button issue, missing the forest for the trees, and this in turn deprives you of your right to participate, but it’s important to remember that despite all of the obstacles, the truth is out there.
Original Source: 3,300 abortion deaths take place daily in America, so why does media focus on a handful of mass shooting deaths? – NaturalNews.com