Diabetes has become a major issue worldwide warns the American Diabetes Association. It estimates that as of 2012, 29.1 million Americans, or 9.3% of the population, had diabetes. Even more alarming, is the rising number of youth and children estimated to be diagnosed with diabetes. For example:
- About 208,000 Americans under age 20 are estimated to have been diagnosed with diabetes, approximately 0.25% of that population.
- In 2008—2009, the annual incidence of diagnosed diabetes in youth was estimated at 18,436 with type 1 diabetes, 5,089 with type 2 diabetes
Furthermore, ethnicity plays a role in the development of Diabetes– mainly do to environmental and lifestyle factors. Here are the statistics according to the American Diabetes Association:
Most of us have had a close relative or friend with Diabetes. I am sure at this point you have witnessed that relying solely on prescription medications or insulin, without making any lifestyle changes has complications– that can be detrimental.
Diabetes as we know it is known as the silent killer and is highly linked to chronic inflammation. The good news? Diabetes can be reversed– if you commit yourself to making drastic lifestyle changes. Yes, you read that right. That being said, If you are looking for a magic pill or quick fix this article is not for you.
If you are excited about making lifestyle changes, investing in your health with the right supplements, and incorporating healthy habits in honor of your health you can be around longer for your family; this article is for you.
Let’s Start With Diabetes 101
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder marked by abnormally high sugar levels in the blood. Individuals suffering from diabetes either are not capable of producing enough insulin or cannot use the insulin produced in their bodies
This condition results in exceedingly high levels of glucose in the bloodstream, which can cause serious complications. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases reveals that over 25.8 million people in America are suffering from it. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, diabetes is one of the leading causes of disability and death in the United States, as it can lead to kidney disease, blindness, nerve damage, stroke, and other serious complications.
Diabetes can be categorized as type I diabetes, type II diabetes, and gestational diabetes.
- Type I diabetes: The body is not able to produce insulin. This type of diabetes generally occurs in kids and adults. The patient is given insulin through injections.
- Type II diabetes: The body becomes insulin resistant, causing insulin deficiency. It usually affects seniors, obese people, those having a family history of type II diabetes, and individuals suffering from high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol levels. It can be controlled to some extent by joining a proper dietary and exercise regimen.
- Gestational diabetes: It is a type of glucose intolerance occurring in some women during pregnancy.
What Causes Diabetes?
We all have glucose or sugar in our bloodstream. It usually comes from the food that we eat and you are going to be surprised by what the latest research has found regarding what causes this disease shortly…
Some glucose is produced in the body naturally, and it works as a fuel for the cells in the body. Insulin, a hormone that is produced in the pancreas, moves this glucose or the sugar from the blood to the body cells. However, with Diabetes the sugar cannot move from the blood into the cells in the body and remains in the bloodstream.
This happens because of two reasons – either the body is not able to produce sufficient insulin or it fails to use the insulin produced within the body. With time, glucose in the blood starts accumulating, leading to hyperglycemia – a state of high blood sugar, which can lead to more serious problems, including heart attacks, blindness, nervous system disorders, and kidney problems, among others.
Diabetes can occur due to various factors, such as genetic predisposition, heredity,age, compromised immune system, drugs prescribed for some other condition, stress, pregnancy as well as environmental factors. However, as Mr.R. Webster Kehr from The Cancer Tutor website reveals: Being overweight does not cause type 2 Diabetes! Here is an excerpt from one of his great articles:
Scientists generate a lot of data, but frequently have no clue how to interpret the data. The reason there is a high statistical correlation between being overweight and having type 2 diabetes is that the same thing that causes type 2 diabetes also causes some people to be overweight. For example, bad fats (such as in margarine) are what cause type 2 diabetes, and bad fats can also cause a person to be overweight. Thus the statistical correlation is not a “causal” relationship, but rather a “common cause” relationship. It is extremely rare when a scientist discusses “common cause” statistical correlations because they get paid to sell drugs. Let me repeat: being overweight does NOT cause type 2 diabetes. Here is more information about what really causes type 2 diabetes: “Another lipid in a cell wall is cholesterol. And you thought it was a terrible thing. The cholesterol in each one of your cells forms a “hydrophobic” bond within the cell wall. Hydrophobic means “fear of water.” It’s a cute way to describe this function of our cells, but in our lives it simply describes the reason we don’t melt in a rainstorm or fall apart when we take a shower or bath. Our cells resist water. Without this resistance, we would be water-soluble and we’d all dissolve in a rainstorm. Our diets in this country (and in Budwig’s country at the time) lack these highly unsaturated fatty acids and contain an excess of man-made oils known as trans fats (or partially hydrogenated oils). These oils are very much like cholesterol and our bodies cannot tell the difference. These oils get into our cell walls and destroy the electrical charge. Without the charge, our cells start to suffocate. Without the oxygen, the only way the cell can replicate is anaerobically. (They also are very tough oils and have a 20-year shelf life. They impede the process of cellular exchange, or letting nutrition in and letting wastes out. Trans fats are also responsible for Type II diabetes, since insulin is a very large molecule it has a difficult time passing through a cell wall created with man-made fats and not cholesterol.)” In other words, trans-fatty acids attach themselves to the cell walls, and because they are a different type and shape of molecule, make the cell walls “rigid,” and the large glucose molecules cannot penetrate the cell walls and get into the cells.
11 Warning Signs of Diabetes:
- Frequent urination
- More thirst and hunger
- Darkened neck area, and skin tags (signs of insulin resistance)
- Sudden weight loss (in rare cases)
- The feeling of weakness or tiredness
- Blurred vision
- The sensation of tingling or numbness in hands and feet (caused by Neuropathy)
- Slow healing of wounds
- Skin infections
- Dry and itchy skin
- Frequent urinary infections, boils, and fungus infections
Diabetes can be life-threatening when blood sugar or glucose rises or falls significantly above or below the normal level. Efforts must be made to control blood glucose levels close to normal to prevent complications.

Treatment and Prevention of Diabetes
Natural supplements can be a powerful ally in helping you get your blood sugar levels in balance, and keeping them there. They help you avoid some of the unhealthy side effects that can come with traditional drugs and even insulin. Several natural remedies are available as a treatment for type 2 diabetes that are safe and can help control your blood sugar levels and manage the symptoms of the disease.
Diabetes is, according to recent studies highly related to:
- Environmental Damage
- Highly processed foods, high intake of carbs and unsaturated and trans fats
- Heredity
- Lack of exercise
- Lack of proper mineral levels and nutritional deficiencies
In his book Reversing Diabetes, Dr. Whitaker recommends several supplements along with lifestyle changes to help you manage diabetes and like the book suggests-reverse Diabetes. A diet low in refined carbs and grains which as you know convert into sugar will be your first line of defense.
Grains and carbs such as wheat, semolina, whole wheat ( has a very high glycemic index) corn, and refined grains in general. That being said, it is important to work along with your doctor and keep a close eye on your daily readings for major changes as you will need to adjust the doses in insulin and or medications.
Supplements That Can Help Reverse Diabetes
This study recognizes the potential role of vanadium in human health is described as a building material of bones and teeth. However, another very interesting and promising application for vanadium in human health emerges from recent studies that evaluated the role of vanadium in the management of diabetes. Vanadium is present in a variety of foods that we commonly eat. Skim milk, lobster, vegetable oils, many vegetables, grains, and cereals are rich sources of vanadium (>1 ppm). Fruits, meats, fish, butter, cheese, and beverages are relatively poor sources of vanadium. (Try vanadium, chromium, Zinc Combo here)
Chromium Picolinate
Chromium Picolinate outperforms other types of chromium substances in all of the areas that might be most crucial for individuals with blood sugar concerns by enhancing glucose metabolic level, reducing inflammation, and boosting antioxidant status. For instance, it reduces fasting insulin levels 33% quicker than other sugar-balancing supplements, it is very effective at minimizing insulin resistance. (Try it here)
According to a recent study released by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and conducted by researchers in Thailand– Turmeric Extract 100% Effective At Preventing Type 2 Diabetes, (Full Report here) the use of Turmeric in Pre-Diabetics reduced their chances of developing type II diabetes. Researches found that Curcumin is the main curcuminoid found in turmeric (Curcuma longaLinn.), a spice that is widely used in eastern cuisine.
Turmeric is widely consumed and generally believed to be beneficial for human health (6). Curcumin extract from rhizomes of turmeric has been shown to have anti-inflammation and anti-diabetic properties. In addition, it could set back the development of type II diabetes mellitus, improve β-cell functions, prevent β-cell death, and minimize insulin resistance in animals. Try making Ancient Golden Paste which utilizes organic turmeric on other key ingredients to help balance sugars, plus a full range of benefits.
You May Like: Turmeric: Natur’s Powerful Antiinflmatory and super food
This study aimed to figure out how effective curcumin extract is as an interruption agent to prevent type II diabetes mellitus from developing. In this study, researchers evaluated type II diabetes mellitus progression and many suggestive type II diabetes mellitus parameters in a large randomized, double-blinded, and placebo-controlled effort. Researchers found that curcumin extract effectively reduced the number of pre-diabetic individuals who progressed toward type II diabetes mellitus and also improved functions of β-cells.
The ADA is now promoting natural remedies here is the proof with a study conducted on 240 patients in Thailand. They recommend 250 mg of organic turmeric (My favorite is Ageless Body) daily, of course, exercise and lifestyle changes play a role. However, both the placebo and turmeric test subjects made dietary and lifestyle changes at the same time with the last one experiencing amazing decreases in their A1C, Fasting Glucose readings, and even their 2-hour Glucose tolerance tests.
I started using turmeric a couple of years ago in my smoothies, eggs, even stews, and almost most of our meals, but add it at the end just so I don’t cook its amazing healing benefits. My favorite Turmeric is certified organic from Sri Lanka with a rich orange color and a deep distinctive aroma. I don’t use any other, because of it purity levels, it is fair trade approved, organic, and super potent. You can learn more and try it here.
Alpha Lipoic Acid
This is an effective antioxidant that assists our body in maintaining normal insulin sensitivity, making it possible to have fasting blood glucose levels and post-meal blood sugar level already in the normal range and promote healthy and balanced insulin performance. Alpha lipoic acid also the health of the peripheral nerve layer in the extremities, a frequent dilemma of people with sugar level concerns.
A good combination of these nutrients can help you:
- healthy blood glucose levels, both before and after meals
- Manage insulin function twofold as effectively as standard chromium picolinate
- Help preserve healthy and balanced cholesterol levels
- Promote healthy detoxification function
- Promote well-balanced hemoglobin A1C levels
- Support healthy glucose removal and metabolism
- Promote healthy insulin function
- Support healthy insulin sensitivity
Dr. Mark Hyman, the Director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, and the founder and medical director of The UltraWellness Center wrote the Blood Sugar Solution and also created the blood sugar solution cookbook
to prevent and reverse what he calls Diabesity.
Nutritional supplements can be very effective for Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. Here is what he recommends:
- A multivitamin and mineral.
- Calcium and magnesium and vitamin D3 + K2. (I use this one)
- Fish oil (1,000 to 4,000 mg) a day improves insulin sensitivity, lowers cholesterol, and reduces inflammation. I use this one.
- Extra magnesium
(200 to 600 mg a day) helps with glucose metabolism and is often deficient in diabetics.
- Chromium
(500 to 1,000 mcg day) is very important for proper sugar metabolism. You can also try Diabenil by Thorne which seems promising.
- Antioxidants (such as vitamins C and E) are important in helping to reduce and balance blood sugar.
- B-complex vitamins are important and are part of a good multivitamin. Extra vitamin B6 (50 to 150 mg a day) and B12 I like this one
(1,000 to 3,000 mcg) are especially helpful in protecting against diabetic neuropathy or nerve damage.
- Biotin
(2,000 to 4,000 mcg a day) enhances insulin sensitivity.
- I also encourage people to use alpha-lipoic acid (300 mg twice a day), a powerful antioxidant that can reduce blood sugar significantly. It also can be effective for diabetic nerve damage or neuropathy.
- Evening primrose oil
(500 to 1,000 mg twice a day) helps overcome deficiencies common in diabetics.
- I encourage people to use cinnamon as a supplement. One to two 500 mg tablets twice a day can help blood sugar control.
- Other herbs and supplements that can be helpful include green tea, ginseng, bitter melon (try it here)
, gymnema, bilberry, ginkgo, onions, and garlic. Fenugreek can also be used to help improve blood sugar , although large amounts must be taken.
- Banaba leaf (Lagerstroemia speciosa) can be an effective herb. Take 24 mg twice a day.
- I recommend konjac fiber
, such as PGX Daily
), four capsules 10 minutes before meals with a glass of water. This helps reduce blood sugar after meals and improves long-term blood sugar control while reducing appetite and cholesterol. [2]
Now your turn!
Does Diabetes run in your family?
Do you or a loved one was recently diagnosed with Pre-Diabetes or Diabetes?
Are you still taking medication and if so how do you feel or do you use the natural approach? I would love to hear your comments and stories below.
To your best health,
Referenceshttp://www.cancertutor.com/Diabetes/Diabetes_Type_II.htmhttp://drhyman.com/blog/2010/05/20/5-steps-to-reversing-type-2-diabetes-and-insulin-resistance/ [2]
http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/chronicdisease/diabetes_education/what_is_diabetes.htmlhttp://www.utmb.edu/rehab/Outpatient/diabetes.pdf http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/diabetes-000049.htm
Image Credits ~ Dr. Garry Null
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I’m so glad i found this page. it has a lot of information that i didn’t know about
Welcome, I am glad you are here with us too :). Awesome to know that you learned new things and that you found the information useful. XO
My Dad has had diabetes for the last 15 years and he hates taking the pills. I got him the report for his birthday just about a month ago, and it was the best investment I ever made for his health.
We are so happy with his progress, his mood and how good the meals that he can eat taste. He no longer has sugar spikes.. that in itself is a miracle.
Big thanks!
What great news these are! Messages like this make my day. To know that I am helping others live the life we all deserve is an amazing feeling.
Tell Dad to keep up the great work and come back to show us a picture with that low A1C. As always consult your Integrative Endocrinologist should he feel discomfort in any way. <3
Where do I find the Diabetes Report?
Hello Rebbecca,
Sorry for the late reply. Your comment was lost between hundreds of spam messages. Here is the link to their NEW reverse diabetes kit: http://bit.ly/diab-revrs-kit.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any issues.
Thanks very interesting blog!