I am passionate about living a natural lifestyle, which drives me to constantly seek the best ingredients, biohacking tools, supplements, wholesome foods, and products. I often receive questions about where to find the items I mention in my posts and recipes, as well as about the products I use and recommend. It brings me great …
Top 5 Chemical Additives in Your Food You Should Avoid Right Now
Following a diet of wholesome foods is ideal to achieve optimum health, and stay healthy. We all know that foods that contain more than five or six ingredients should be consumed sporadically, because anything that has a shelf life… will most likely have the same effect in your body. The longer manufacturers use these additives, the …
Top 5 Chemical Additives in Your Food You Should Avoid Right NowRead More
Beware! These Rx Meds Can Cause Deadly Side Effects to Your Body
Article by Lauren Weiler August 24, 2017 You have your morning routine on lockdown — you get up, get dressed, and sit down with your coffee before thinking about what you need to do for the day. But does your routine also include popping a prescription med or two? If so, you’re in good company. Prescription drug …
Beware! These Rx Meds Can Cause Deadly Side Effects to Your BodyRead More
Circus Lion Freed From Cage Feels Earth Beneath His Paws for First Time
Lions are majestic and, sadly, exceedingly rare creatures. According to Defenders of Wildlife, their numbers have dropped by half since the 1950s, so that today fewer than 21,000 remain in Africa. Due to habitat destruction, poaching and climate change, lions could become extinct by 2020. Lions have become prized possessions with the rise of …
Circus Lion Freed From Cage Feels Earth Beneath His Paws for First TimeRead More