Homeopathy is unique in that the use of man made drugs is not part of the treatment.
The concepts and theories were developed by Samuel Hahnemann in 1796.
One of the key components is the use of potions or tinctures, which contain an element that would normally cause the same symptoms a person is experiencing. The element is then highly diluted and shaken using a process called “succussing”. The actual shaking is believed to increase the effectiveness of the tincture. But, homeopaths do not rely solely on these tinctures.
The homeopathic approach to healing is a holistic one, meaning that the cause of the condition is looked for.
Conventional medical practitioners treat the symptoms by prescribing pain relievers, antacids, statins, anti-depressants and other drugs. On the other hand, a homeopathic practitioner would suggest herbs and natural remedies that provide relief of the symptoms, but they would also outline a complete plan that would help you identify the root cause of the problem and resolve whatever imbalance has occurred. Let’s look at acid reflux, as an example:
Acid reflux is a common problem, today. It’s more than dealing with frequent heartburn. If left untreated, it can damage the esophagus and lead to esophageal cancer. But, the prescription drugs that are commonly prescribed to treat it can cause a variety of different health problems, including a weakened immune system, nutritional deficiencies and broken bones due to osteoporosis.
If you were to treat acid reflux with a homeopath, he would include changes in diet, and figure out the things that cause or contribute to the problem. Those things include:
- Drinking coffee and carbonated soft drinks
- Eating large meals
- Eating too fast
- Poor posture
- Lack of exercise
- Eating at bedtime
- Stress
- Smoking
Health problems from arthritis to zoster can be treated with natural remedies. The complete homeopathic approach works best, but it is possible to cure yourself. In fact, only you can heal your body.
Some of the natural remedies that would be recommended are included in the Acid Reflux Report that have been used for centuries to treat digestive problems of all kinds.
Find a Licensed Homeopathic Practitioner: American Institute of Homeopathy